Microgrant Program

Rebound Partners-United Way Microgrants 

Microgrants will be awarded quarterly until June 30, 2025 or until funding is completed.* The next microgrant application period ends November 30, 2025, with awards in December. 

Microgrant Application: https://rcauw-microgrant-app.paperform.co/

About the program

Rice County Area United Way began offering microgrants in 2022. In 2023, Rebound Partners joined United Way to offer the grants. The grants range from $100 to $1,000 and serve the purpose of funding local groups facing urgent, community-based challenges or innovating new programs to reach underserved populations. 

Eligibility: Microgrants should be used for projects that:

  1. Have limited access to funding and support
  2. Affect members in the Rice County community in our target areas of: Financial stability, Health and Education.
  3. Are urgently needed or innovating a new program

While your group does not need to be registered as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization in order to apply, your project should focus on a charitable/exempt purpose. Individuals with urgent needs are not eligible for this grant. (Instead, dial 2-1-1 for referrals to local services for individuals.)

Rice County Area United Way requests a final report from grantees following their project period with pictures we can use (have media waivers signed). The report form will be sent to grantees upon receiving a microgrant.  For information on microgrants, contact Elizabeth Child, Executive Director, Rice County Area United Way, elizabeth@ricecountyunitedway.org or call 507-664-3510.

Microgrant Application: https://rcauw-microgrant-app.paperform.co/


*Due to popularity of microgrants, we are now offering them quarterly.