The 2024 grant application period is closed.
Please read the following as our grant cycle has changed.
About 2024 Rice County Area United Way Grants
Rice County Area United Way works with partners to meet critical, foundational needs in the areas of Health, Education and Financial Stability. Grants are given to organizations that meet or have the potential to meet these needs through programs with measurable outcomes.
In 2024, Rice County Area United Way grants will be bi-annual, meaning this will be the only grant competition until 2026 (with the exception of our microgrants). Key dates:
Apply for grants between February 1, 2024 until March 15, 2024.
Our funding will begin July 1, 2024 and continue through June 30, 2026 for two-year grants.
Funds for grants over $5,000/per year will be dispersed quarterly rather than in one lump sum, in July, October, January and April. Grants of $5,000 or less/year will be dispersed in July of each year. Our next grant cycle after the current cycle will be in spring of 2026.
Applicants are invited to apply for one- or two-year grants. However, please note that our next grant cycle after the current cycle will be in spring of 2026. Plan accordingly.
NOTE: Because our grants are dependent on donations, any significant changes downward or upward in donations will impact two-year grant pay-outs. Our intention is to fund grants at the same level in year one as in year two of the cycle.
What We Fund
We fund the most critical human needs in Rice County in three areas: Education, Health and Financial
Stability (aka basic needs). We aim to:
- help level the playing field so all Rice County residents, regardless of income, race, religion, gender or sexual preference, have equal opportunities to better their lives and contribute to others.
- help people take steps toward stability and independence.
- offer wrap-around support to address the whole person in collaboration with other nonprofit agencies or other services including government services.
We will not consider grants for:
- Capital projects
- Endowments
- Individuals
- Organizations that espouse political or religious advocacy as part of their services
- Organizations that engage in significant fundraising activity during one month of the annual United Way Campaign (Oct. 1-31). Certain exceptions may apply.
Funding Amounts
Grants are typically between $1,000+ and $25,000. In addition, our United Way recently established microgrants up to $1,000 for urgent needs and innovative programs. Visit: Microgrant Program | Rice County Area United Way for more information.
Organizational Grant vs Program Grant
We prefer that you apply once and choose the most appropriate category for you.
You may apply for an organizational or a program grant through Rice County Area United Way if you serve the Rice County area (see “Service Area” below). Choose an organizational grant if you have multiple programs under one organization, but do tell us about your programs in the application. We would like to see outcomes from the programs your organization offers.
A program grant is focused on a one particular program within an organization. Exceptions may be made. If you have questions, please contact our director at Elizabeth@RiceCountyUnitedWay.org.
Grant questions in Word are found here so you can view them before filling it out online. We have included questions for the Operational Grant, which is very similar to the Program Grant. Only online applications are accepted.
Service Area
- Dennison, 55018
- Dundas, 55019
- Faribault, 55021
- Kilkenny, 56052
- Lonsdale, 55046
- Montgomery, 56069
- Morristown, 55052
- Nerstrand, 55053
- Northfield, 55057
- Warsaw, 5508
- Webster, 55088
Application Checklist
This checklist is designed to assist in your application preparation.
- Section 1: Contact Information completed
- Section 2: General Agency, Program, & Demographic Information completed
- Section 3: Community Investment Questions completed
- Section 4: Attachment Requirements (if not previously submitted)
- Current year agency budget attached as PDF
- Most recent IRS form 990 attached as single PDF
- Most recent agency audited financial statement or review if you have one, attached as PDF
- Board Roster/Meeting schedule attached
Grant Agreement
To receive a Rice County Area United Way grant, you will be required to sign off on our grant agreement, so please review a copy of the agreement before filling out the application to ensure you can comply with it. Thank you.
Application Instructions
All applicants are required to have or create an account to complete and submit your application. Keep your user name and password handy so that you can "save a draft" and return to complete your submission. Be sure to save your username and password as it will be used for agency reporting and future applications. Thus, if you filled out an application last year, your application will largely autofill so you can simply update it. If you cannot find your username, contact Elizabeth@RiceCountyUnitedWay.org
- LOGIN HERE (If you already have a username and password)
- CREATE AN ACCOUNT (New users only - an email will be sent to you)
- RESET YOUR PASSWORD (if your email has been used previously, you can reset your password)
- LOGOUT (Be sure to log out once you have saved your draft or submitted your application)
We look forward to receiving your application! Questions? Contact elizabeth@ricecountyunitedway.org.