Rice County Area United Way has received a Minnesota Disaster Recovery Fund grant in the amount of $20,000. These funds will be regranted to support the recovery and foster the resilience of nonprofit organizations in the Rice County area that have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
The Minnesota Disaster Recovery Fund envisions a nonprofits sector that is strong, vibrant, equitable and able to deliver in many ways that strengthen our communities, including arts and culture, social services, basic needs, advocacy, education, health and wellbeing, and more. The funding is intended to support that vision.
100% of the funds will be regranted. We anticipate that grants will be made in the range of $500 to $5,000.
Funding Requests Invited
Deadline is September 30
Through September 30, 2020, Rice County Area United Way will accept funding requests from area nonprofits for general operating support, with specific reference to the following considerations:
- Coronavirus Impact. Requests should be made by nonprofit organizations that are experiencing needs specifically created by the coronavirus pandemic.
- Equity. Special consideration will be given to requests from nonprofit organizations serving populations that were already experiencing structural inequities and are currently experiencing disproportionate effects of coronavirus. These may include, but are not limited to, low-income people, those who are Black, Indigenous or people of color (BIPOC), undocumented people, rural communities, LGBTQ people, seniors, people with disabilities, and those who are uninsured.
- Unmet needs. Requests that support nonprofit organizations which lack access to other resources will be prioritized.
Nonprofits that meet these criteria and serve people in the Rice County area (including Faribault, Northfield, Dundas, Dennison, Lonsdale, Montgomery, Morristown, Nerstrand, Warsaw, Webster and Kilkenny) are invited to apply.
How to Apply
Please complete the Request for Funding form (see link below) no later than September 30, 2020.
Questions may be directed to Elizabeth Child, MDRF Grant Coordinator, at elizabeth.child@ricecountyunitedway.org.